SIEM CEF connector
About the sample CEF connector
The sample CEF connector receives security events in near real time using the SIEM API and converts those events from JSON format to CEF format. The connector pulls from a single API endpoint (based on a pull rate you can configure) and processes security events generated from security policies within multiple security configurations.
You can configure the connector to save security events locally or you can forward those events to a destination host over UDP or TCP using the Syslog protocol. For Syslog, the connector leverages the CEF format. CEF is an open messaging standard introduced by ArcSight, Inc. CEF-Syslog works with ArcSight and other SIEM solutions that support the syslog/CEF format.
Install the CEF connector
System requirements
The Akamai CEF Connector requires Java 8 (JRE 1.8) or above. To verify the installed version, use the command java -version
Hardware requirements
This application is designed to run on a Linux server with at least:
- 2 CPU cores
- 2GB Free Disk Space
- A Linux Kernel greater than 2.6
Proxy server
To access the SIEM API from behind a proxy server, ensure that your proxy:
- Allowlists the domains * and *
- Doesn't interfere with HTTP request headers for those domains. If, due to a strict enterprise security policy, your proxy changes these headers, make sure that, at a minimum, you allow and don't change the Host and Authorization headers.
To install The CEF connector, complete the following steps:
- Go to Connectors and tools to get the latest CEF Connector distribution package.
- Transfer the package using either the Linux command
wget http://[server]/
with your server name) or using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol). - Unzip the distribution package anywhere on the file system. You can install Unzip from a software distribution package on Linux (for example, by using the command
yum install unzip
). - To install the service, create a symbolic link to the bin/ shell script in /etc/init.d. You can execute the shell script with the following commands:
start | stop | status | resetdb
The resetdb command deletes cefconnector.db, which contains the last successful offset data pull. Removing that file causes the connector to
process offset=NULL
as long as the timebased setting isfalse
. If timebased istrue
, a new offset is saved after the first successful pull.
Configure your SIEM event data pull
Set up and manage your connector through the source pull configuration settings located in the config/ file.
- Description: Akamai web service URL. This value, along with the security configurations IDs, generates the request URL (for example,
). - Allowed Values: This value cannot be blank or commented out.
- Example:
- Required: Yes
- Description: Akamai web service URL. This value, along with the security configurations IDs, generates the request URL (for example,
- Description: Security configurations the API pulls events from. Add multiple security configuration IDs by separating the IDs with a semicolon (;).
- Example:
- Required: Yes
- Description: Set to
to pull security events continuously by offset token (this should be the usual, everyday setting) and set totrue
in order to pull security events that fall within a specific time frame. If timebased is set totrue
, the timebased.from parameter (see the next configuration entry) is required. - Allowed Values:
- Example:
- Required: Yes
- Description: Set to
- Description: If the timebased parameter is true, this a required field. Enter the time (in epoch format) to start pulling past security events. This can be any time within the 12 hours preceding the present moment. If regular offset event collection occurred within the time window, you might see duplicate data in your SIEM software.
- Allowed Values: Positive integer in epoch format. Value must be less than the value.
- Example:
- Required: Yes, if the timebased parameter is true , No, if the timebased parameter is false .
- Default Value: No value
- Description: If the timebased parameter is
, you can optionally enter the end timestamp (in epoch format) to a specific period for pulling past security events. If no value or an invalid format is provided, the default value is used. - Allowed Values: Positive integer in epoch format. Value must be greater than or equal to the value in timebased.from.
- Example:
- Required: No
- Default Value:
- Description: Maximum number of security events that can be pulled with a single API call. Use this field to prevent overload and to protect your SIEM system from being flooded with event data. If no value is provided or if an invalid value is provided, the default limit defined by the SIEM API is used
- Allowed Values: Positive integer values. Invalid values default to
. - Example:
- Required: No
Note: This sample connector supports transfer of up to 200,000 events per minute.
- Default Value:
- Description: Access token copied when provisioning the SIEM API in Control Center.
- Allowed Values: This value cannot be blank or commented out.
- Example:
- Required: Yes
- Description: Client token copied when provisioning the SIEM API in Control Center.
- Allowed Values: This value cannot be blank or commented out.
- Example:
- Required: Yes
- Description: Client secret copied when provisioning the SIEM API in Control Center.
- Allowed Values: This value cannot be blank or commented out.
- Example:
- Required: Yes
- Description: URL copied when you provisioned the SIEM OPEN API in Control Center.
- Allowed Values: This value cannot be blank or commented out.
- Example:
- Required: Yes
- akamai.cefformatheader
- Description: CEF Header Values, with individual values separated by using the | character. (If the | character is part of a static string, then it must be escaped with a \ ). Values can be static or generated from the following functions: requestURL(), eventClassId(), name(), severity(), appliedAction(),ipv6src().
- Allowed Values: This value can't be blank or commented out.
- Example:
- Required: Yes
- akamai.cefformatextension
- Description: CEF Extension Values, with individual values separated by a blank space. Values can be static; generated from available functions (eventClassId() , name(), severity() , appliedAction() , ipv6src()); or pulled from the JSON API. The JSON API is defined by ${} and each JSON object is separated by a period. Static values are defined by quotation marks. Function-generated values are defined by () and must be one of the available functions defined in the documentation.
- Allowed Values: This value can't be blank or commented out.
Label="Source IPv6 Address"
cs1=${attackData.rules} cs1Label="Rules"
cs2=${attackData.ruleMessages} cs2Label="Rule Messages"
cs3=${attackData.ruleData} cs3Label="Rule Data"
cs4=${attackData.ruleSelectors} cs4Label="Rule Selectors"
- Required: No
- akamai.base64fields
- Description: Defines any base64 encoded JSON API objects.
- Example:
- Required: No
- akamai.urlencoded
- Description: Defines any URL-encoded JSON API objects.
- Example:
- Required: No
- akamai.multivaluedelim
- Default Value:
(comma) - Description: Delimiter that separates multi-valued CEF fields.
- Allowed Values: Blank spaces can be specified as a delimiter by using either " " or "".
- Example:,
(comma), \u0020 (white space), \n (newline), \t (tab
- Required: No
- Default Value:
- connector.consumer.count
- Default Value:
- Description: Maximum number of consumer threads.
- Example:
- Required: No
- Default Value:
- connector.proxy.port
- Description: Set your proxy host and port.
- Allowed Values: This value should be left blank if you don't have a local proxy.
- Required: No
- connector.refresh.period
- Default Value:
- Description: Defines the pull rate from the Akamai source in seconds.
- Allowed Values: Positive integer value greater than 0.
- Example:
(1 minute) - Required: Yes
- Default Value:
- connector.retry
- Default Value:
- Description: Maximum number of consecutive retries for non-200 response from SIEM API.
- Example:
- Required: No
- Default Value:
Set up in Arcsight
- Log in to Arcsight with administrator rights.
- Click Configuration > Data > Receivers.
- Add a new TCP CEF Receiver with a distinct name (e.g., Akamai CEF Data). By default, this assigns the receiver to listen on IP/HOST, port 546 (if that port isn't already in use), employing UTF-8 encoding, and the source type CEF. If necessary, the port value can be changed at any time. Note, too that, by default, the receiver is enabled upon when it's created..
- Click Configuration > Data > Device Groups to group security events by device. Add a new Device Group and select a device from the list of auto-populated devices. If the connector is installed locally and is sending logs to localhost, the device is Logger Internal Event Device with the receiver name you added in Step 3.
- To view the device group security logs, click Analyze > Search. In the search bar. enter
_deviceGroup in ["<device group name>"]
. For example:_deviceGroup in ["<<COMPANY_NICKNAME>> SIEM -On Server Connector"]
Set log configurations in the config/log4j2.xml file:
- log-path: Path location of the log files. Use either a relative or a specific path (for example: logs).
- log-name: File name for your logs (for example: filename).
- SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy: Log size rollover limit (for example: 1MB).
- DefaultRolloverStrategy: Maximum number of log files stored for each log (info, warn, and error). For example:
. - CEFHost: Remote CEF Syslog Server Host (for example:
). - CEFPort: Remote CEF Syslog Server Port (for example:
). - CEFProtocol: Remote CEF Syslog Server Protocol (for example:
To run in debug mode:
- In the log4j2.xml file, under Loggers, find <Root level="info".
- Change
and save the file.
Logs are in the /bin/logs/cefconnector.log file.
SIEM API data format for CEF
The security events data available from the Akamai endpoint arrives in JSON format. Each line is a separate JSON object representing a single request.
Calculated fields
If attackData.ruleActions contains any action other than alert
or deny
, use it (there will be only one action). Otherwise, check to see if there is a deny
action and if so, set the applied action to 'deny
. If not, check if attackData.slowPostAction equals A
. If it does set the applied action to abort
; otherwise, set the applied action to alert
If $appliedAction in ('alert', 'monitor')
then detect
. Otherwise, mitigate
If $eventClassId = detect
then Activity detected
. Otherwise Activity mitigated
If $eventClassId = detect
then 5
. Otherwise 10
If $httpMessage.tls is not empty then request = 'https://' + $
. Otherwise request = 'http://' + $
If $httpMessage.path is not empty then request = $request + $attackData.path
. If $httpMessage.query is not empty then request = $request + '?" + $httpMessage.query
CEF fields
CEF Field | JSON Field/Value | Description |
Device Vendor | Akamai | |
Device Version | 1.0 | |
Device Product | akamai_siem | |
Device Event Class ID | $eventClassId | Calculated field. |
Name | $name | Calculated field. |
Severity | $severity | Calculated field. |
CEF extension fields
CEF Extension | JSON Field/Value | Description |
act | $appliedAction | Calculated field. |
app | $httpMessage.protocol | |
c6a2 | $ipv6src | IP v6 address of the source. Only populated if $attackData.clientIP is in IP v6 format. |
c6a2Label | Source IP6 Address | |
cs1 | $attackData.rules | Rule IDs of rules that triggered for this request. |
cs1Label | $attackData.rules | |
cs2 | $attackData.ruleMessages | Messages of rules that triggered for this request |
cs2Label | Rule Messages | |
cs3 | $attackData.ruleData | User data of rules that triggered for this request. |
cs3Label | Rule Data | |
cs4 | $attackData.ruleSelectors | Selectors of rules that triggered for this request. |
cs4Label | Rule Selectors | |
cs5 | $attackData.clientReputation | Client IP scores for Client Reputation. |
cs5Label | Client Reputation | |
cs6 | $attackData.apiId | API ID for API Protection. |
cs6Label | API ID | |
devicePayloadId | $httpMessage.requestId | Globally unique ID of the message. |
dhost | $ | Value of the HOST header of the incoming client request. |
dpt | $httpMessage.port | Port number used by the incoming request. Should be equal to the value of AK_IN_PORT |
flexString1 | $attackData.configId | ID of the Security Configuration applied to this request. |
flexString1Label | Security Config ID | |
flexString2 | $attackData.policyId | ID of the Firewall Policy applied to this request . |
flexString2Label | Firewall Policy Id | |
out | $httpMessage.bytes | Content bytes served in the client response. |
request | $requestURL | Calculated field. |
requestMethod | $httpMessage.method | HTTP method of the incoming request. |
src | $attackData.clientIP | IP address of the client that made the request. |
start | $httpMessage.start | Time, in epoch format, when the Edge Server initiated the connection for the message exchange being monitored. |
AkamaiSiem SlowPostAction | $attackData.slowPostAction | Action taken if a Slow POST attack is detected: either W for Warn or A for deny (abort). |
AkamaiSiem SlowPostRate | $attackData.slowPostRate | Recorded rate of a detected Slow POST attack. |
AkamaiSiem RuleVersions | $attackData.ruleVersions | Base64-encoded versions of rules that triggered for this request. |
AkamaiSiem RuleTags | $attackData.ruleTags | Base64-encoded tags of rules that triggered for this request.. See WAF rule list for all tags |
AkamaiSiem ApiKey | $attackData.apiKey | API Key for API Protection. |
AkamaiSiem TLSVersion | $httpMessage.tls | TLS version, if applicable. |
AkamaiSiem RequestHeaders | $httpMessage.requestHeaders | All request headers collected. |
AkamaiSiem ResponseHeaders | $httpMessage.responseHeaders | All response headers collected. |
AkamaiSiem ResponseStatus | $httpMessage.status | HTTP Response status sent to the client. |
AkamaiSiem Continent | $geo.continent | 2-letter code for the continent that the IP address maps to. |
AkamaiSiem Country | $ | 2-letter ISO-3166 code for the country the IP address maps to. |
AkamaiSiem City | $ | City that the IP address maps to. |
AkamaiSiem Region | $geo.regionCode | 2-letter ISO-3166 code for the state, province, or region the IP address maps to. |
AkamaiSiem ASN | $geo.asn | Autonomous System Number (or numbers) that the IP address belongs to. |
AkamaiSiem Uuid | $userRiskData.uuid | Unique identifier of the user whose risk data is being provided. |
AkamaiSiem Username | $userRiskData.username | The unencrypted username value. |
AkamaiSiem OriginUserId | $userRiskData.originUserId | The unencrypted Origin User Id value. |
AkamaiSiem Status | $userRiskData.status | Status code indicating any errors that occurred when calculating the risk score. See the User Score Status section of this page for details. |
AkamaiSiem Score | $userRiskData.score | Calculated risk scores. Scores range from 0 (no risk) to 100 (the highest possible risk). |
AkamaiSiem Risk | $userRiskData.risk | Indicators that increased the calculated risk score. For example, the value udfp represents the risk of the device fingerprint based on the user's behavioral profile. |
AkamaiSiem Trust | $ | Indicators that were trusted. For example, the value ugp indicates that the user’s country or area is trusted. |
AkamaiSiem General | $userRiskData.general | Indicators of general behavior observed for relevant attributes. For example, duc_1h represents the number of users recorded on a specific device in the past hour. |
AkamaiSiem Allow | $userRiskData.allow | Indicates whether the user is on the allow list. A 0 indicates that the user was not on the list; a 1 indicates that the user was on the list. |
AkamaiApp BundleId | $clientData.appBundleId | Unique identifier of the app bundle. An app bundle contains both the software itself and the accompanying configuration information. |
AkamaiApp Version | $clientData.appVersion | Version number of the app. |
Akamai TelemetryType | $clientData.telemetryType | Specifies the telemetry type in use. Allowed values are:
AkamaiBot Score | $botData.botScore | Score assigned to the request by Botman Manager. |
AkamaiResponse Segment | $botData.responseSegment | Numeric response segment indicator. Segments are used to group and categorize bot scores. Allowed values are:
AkamaiSiem CustomData | $custom | Custom base-64-encoded value. The custom data size limit is 2KB. |
Retrieve past security events using the CEF connector
The Akamai CEF connector offers 2 modes of operation:
- Offset-based. The most-commonly used mode: the connector automatically logs security events as they’re collected. The connector operates in offset mode when the configuration is set to
. - Time-based. Enables you to retrieve only the events that occurred with a specified time period. For example, if your SIEM connection is disrupted you can retrieve any (or all) security events that occurred within the last 12 hours.
To retrieve missing or past security events, switch from an offset-based to a time-based feed by completing the following procedure:
- Open your connector’s configuration file: config/
- Change the configuration to
. - Under, enter the start time (in epoch format) for which you want to pull past security events. This can be any time within the 12 hours preceding the present moment.
- (Optional) To retrieve events that fall only within a specific time period, enter the end time (in epoch format) as the value of the setting . If this setting is left blank, the connector pulls events up to the present and continues to log events as they’re collected.
If regular offset event collection occurred within the time window you set, duplicate data may appear in your SIEM reports.
Don't see the data you expected? When you configure the connector to retrieve security events for a specific time period, the connector makes only one call to the API. If the number of events in the specified time window exceeds the value in the Limit field (or the default limit of 200,000) the connector won't retrieve data. As a workaround, decrease the time period tfor retrieving events; for example, you might need to make one API call to retrieve events that occurred in the first six hours of your time period, and a second API call to retrieve events that occurred in the final six hours of your time period.
To return the connector to offset mode, change the setting to false
Uninstall the CEF connector
To stop the CEF Connector service, run the command bin/ stop
or /etc/init.d/symboliclink stop
To remove the installation folder, run the command rm –rf CEFConnector-1.0
Updated 6 months ago