Ingest tab (MSL 4)

This dashboard shows you summarized information on quality and availability for both accelerated and non-accelerated streams.

Set filters for report results

To generate report data for viewing, use the Filters panel to set your filters.

  • CP Code. A unique identifier we assign to you for reporting, billing, and monitoring traffic served over ​Akamai​'s network. When creating an MSL configuration to distribute live content, you do so for a specific CP code. Select or deselect the CP codes to include in the filter. If you know the name, or number of the desired CP code, enter it in the Filter field to refine the results.

  • Event Name (optional). You can filter report output based on the name of the event assigned to the stream. You could set this to Contains, and enter the event name to have report data filtered by that specific event name. For example, a playback URL for an HLS stream typically follows the syntax, https://{cdn-hostname}/hls/live/{event-name}/master.m3u8

  • Stream Type (optional). If you want to filter the results to either Primary or Backup stream types, select it here. Otherwise, leave it empty to include every supported media format.

  • Format (optional). If you want to filter the results to a specific media format, select it here, or leave this field empty to include every supported media format.

What you see in the widgets

Each individual content panel in these reports is referred to as a widget. Data for each widget are provided for metrics at a two-minute aggregation. Several widgets make up this tab, including:


Ingest Minutes

Displays the time that content consumption began, and the total number of minutes of content that was consumed.

Ingest Volume

Displays the time that content consumption began, and the total volume of content that was consumed.


The time at which a request for an endpoint was received and the resulting HTTP status code that was returned.

Usage By Stream & Event

Displays historical usage for each MSL 4 stream based on the type of stream and its assigned event. It includes these metrics:

  • Stream ID. The unique identifier ​Akamai​ assigns to the MSL 4 stream.
  • Stream Type. The type of stream, Primary or Backup.
  • Format. The media format of the stream: HLS, HDS, or DASH.
  • Event. The name of the event assigned to the stream. For example, a playback URL for an HLS stream typically follows the syntax, https://{cdn-hostname}/hls/live/{event-name}/master.m3u8
  • Hits. The total number of successful requests made to the entry point that is providing the stream.
  • Ingest Minutes. The total number of minutes that the stream was actively delivered to end users.
  • Ingest Volume. The total amount of bytes transferred as a result of successful end-user requests.

Usage By HTTP Status

Each applicable HTTP response code, and the total number of requests that resulted in that response, over the time specified.

Usage By Stream ID

This is a truncated version of the Usage By Stream & Event Name. It shows each individual Stream (Stream Id), the total number of requests made for that stream (Hits), the total number of minutes that stream was actively delivered to end users (Ingest Minutes), and the total amount of bytes transferred as a result of successful end-user requests for that stream (Ingest Volume).

Entry Point Responses by CP Code

A unique identifier that ​Akamai​ assigns to your instance of MSL 4. You can have one or more CP codes associated with your instance, and you set up each of your MSL 4 streams using a specific CP code. Each of your Stream IDs is associated with a specific CP code. This widget provides the same data as the Usage By Stream ID widget, but on a per CP code basis.

Modify your filters

Click to further refine the specific data for all widgets in the report.

Download widget data

If you see the download icon in the header of a widget, you can download its individual data as a .csv file. You can also download the entire report's data.

Toggle between Table and Chart view

Click the table icon to view a table of data for the widget, or the chart icon to view the data as a chart.