Jun 8, 2021 — Image & Video Manager updates
almost 4 years ago by kwichere@akamai.com
- Shared Policy Sets: You can now reuse policies sets and share them across multiple properties belonging to the same contract. Any changes to the shared policy set are reflected globally across all associated properties.
- New Policy Manager UI BETA: To access the New UI, click the Switch to beta button on the Policy Manager page. We have launched a revamped beta version of the Policy Manager UI that introduces following improvements:
- A change in workflow to allow creation of policies via the new UI.
- Better accessibility of policy sets and policy actions.
- Clearer reflection of the concept of policies being contained within policy sets.
- Additional information about policies and policy sets on the landing page.
- Changes to default settings, including: default Perceptual Quality set to Medium High, default resolution set to 1080px for Apple devices, and modernized default breakpoints.
- A cleaner, simpler, more organized look.
- Troubleshooting: We have added guidance for troubleshooting issues you may encounter when working with Image and Video Manager. To learn more, see Troubleshooting.
- Image format: We have added experimental support for the HEIC/HEIF image format for derivative image creation.