Jun 1, 2022 — Enhancements to JavaScript API and developer experience

We've implemented several enhancements to expand the EdgeWorkers JavaScript API and debugging capabilities. You'll also find some improvements to the developer experience.

  • You can now construct a response with the request.respondWith() method in the onClientResponse event handler.

  • In the responseProvider event handler, you can now obtain the body of the request object using the text() and json() methods for responses up to 16 KB in size.

  • The Enhanced debug header details for HTTP sub-requests now includes a "method" field that indicates the action to apply to a given resource.

  • The responseProvider event handler now supports the POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods in addition to GET and HEAD.

  • The EdgeWorkers Management application has been updated to a new modernized framework to improve our development process and provide a better user experience.

  • The EdgeWorkers activation throughput has been improved to reduce the time it takes for you to create and activate your EdgeWorkers functions.