February 5, 2024 — Enterprise Application Access Updates
about 1 year ago by mratteha@akamai.com
Enterprise Application Access (EAA) updates.
Akamai EAA new features
Identity provider Versioning – Every time you deploy an identity provider a new version is created. You can go to the Deployment History tab to view the history of all the configurations. This helps the admin track the changes and compare versions of the identity provider.
Fixed customer bugs
- EAA Client for Ubuntu desktop support supports space separated DNS servers.
- Idle timeout for TCP or Tunnel-type client-access application is changed to 900 seconds (15 minutes) from 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
- The History tab in Applications detail page accurately displays changes made to domain exception list, modifications like additions and deletions of group membership, changes to access control, and any configuration changes made through the API.
- Fixed an issue related to users denied access to application, when the expired OS version was within the grace period specified as a device posture tier.
- Fixed an issue related to device posture service not recognizing an OS version when there is a | (pipe) character between the versions, for example, macOS 13.4.1 (22F82 | 22F2083), as the latest version.