Nov 22, 2021 — DataStream 2 General Availability Release

We are pleased to announce that DataStream 2 is now available for all our customers. DataStream 2 provides customers with detailed log data from requests on the Akamai Edge platform within minutes.

Aug 30, 2021 — Geo and WAF data fields support

  • You can now log data related to the WAF security rules using the Security rules data set field.

  • The State data set field is now available as a part of the geographical data set, and the Country data set field has been renamed to Country/Region.

Jul 27, 2021 — Oracle Cloud support

Now you can choose Oracle Cloud as a destination to send log data in the DataStream application and the DataStream 2 API.

Jul 15, 2021 — Sumo Logic support

  • Now you can choose Sumo Logic as a destination to send your Akamai logs for detailed analysis.

  • We have changed the stream view configuration, stream history and activation screens to improve the DataStream 2 application user experience. Changes include listing the stream’s data fields and version status.

Jul 1, 2021 — Google Cloud Storage and geo data support

  • Now you can choose a custom HTTPS endpoint as a destination to send your Akamai logs and receive data.

  • You can monitor new data fields with geographical information about the requests. This includes the ISO 3166 code for the country and city name.

  • When configuring your stream in the DataStream 2 application, you can see property names next to product names and hostnames in separate columns. This helps you comfortably select properties that belong to the same product.

May 18, 2021 — New stream status names

We are introducing consistent and clear stream status names in the application and the DataStream 2 API. New status names include:

May 3, 2021 — Google Cloud Storage and JSON support

  • Now you can choose Google Cloud Storage as a destination to send your Akamai logs and receive data.

  • DataStream 2 now supports JSON format in addition to the CSV format. DataStream 2 users have the ability to choose and configure JSON as the log format, and visualize the sample JSON logs in the application. The JSON log format works for all supported DataStream 2 destinations.

  • We are increasing the number of properties that you can associate with one stream from 3 to 100 properties. See the [DataStream 2 User Guide] (doc:create-stream) for steps and details.

Apr 1, 2021 — DataStream 2 limited availability

We are pleased to announce the Limited Availability (LA) release of DataStream 2. During the beta testing period, we increased the reliability and capacity of DataStream 2, improved the UI experience, and introduced new features in response to customer feedback that will allow better control over raw access log streaming.

Feb 18, 2021 — Datadog and Splunk support

  • Now you can choose Datadog as a destination to send and aggregate your Akamai logs.

  • You can also choose Splunk as a destination to stream log files for monitoring and analyzing data.

Feb 9, 2021 — Upload failure alerts

  • Set up alerts and get notifications when log files fail to upload to your destinations. This feature is available to you via the Akamai Alerts application.

  • Sort log files streamed to your selected destinations by date and time. Configure folder paths and filename prefixes with Dynamic time variables and combine them with static values.

  • New Data set parameters, including SSL version, SSL overhead time, Object size, Uncompressed size, Max age, Overhead bytes, and DNS lookup time.

  • Improved confirmation screen, helping you enable and configure the DataStream behavior in the Property Manager application before starting to stream logs.