See the API's various operations for details on their request parameters and response data:

BGP Configs
List BGP configurationsGET/bgp-configs
Create a new BGP configurationPOST/bgp-configs
Remove a BGP configurationDELETE/bgp-configs/​{bgpConfigId}
Get a BGP configurationGET/bgp-configs/​{bgpConfigId}
Update a BGP configurationPUT/bgp-configs/​{bgpConfigId}
Access maps
List access mapsGET/access-maps
Create a new access mapPOST/access-maps
Remove an access mapDELETE/access-maps/​{mapId}
Get an access mapGET/access-maps/​{mapId}
Update an access mapPUT/access-maps/​{mapId}
Geo IP Configs
List GeoIP configurationsGET/geoip-configs
Create a new GeoIP configurationPOST/geoip-configs
Remove a GeoIP configurationDELETE/geoip-configs/​{geoIpConfigId}
Get a GeoIP configurationGET/geoip-configs/​{geoIpConfigId}
Update a GeoIP configurationPUT/geoip-configs/​{geoIpConfigId}
Site maps
List site mapsGET/site-maps
Create a new site mapPOST/site-maps
Remove a site mapDELETE/site-maps/​{mapId}
Get a site mapGET/site-maps/​{mapId}
Update a site mapPUT/site-maps/​{mapId}