Jun 10, 2022 — Delivery 4.16.3

This release offers various enhancements for AMD.

Token-based Access Revocation

Token-based Access Revocation lets you generate a "revocation list" of specific Token Authentication tokens to block access requests that include them. This helps to prevent token sharing between end users. We've enhanced this feature with the following updates:

  • Increased the size of the session_id in a token to 64 Kb. This is the value in a token that Access Revocation uses to control the revocation of a "bad" token. Previously, this was capped at 32 Kb.

  • Increased the total number of revocation lists to 10. In the past, you could only create and maintain a single revocation list. We've increased this to support 10 lists per contract.

  • Increased the total entries in a revocation list to 50,000. Previously this was limited to 25,000 entries.

See Token-based Access Revocation & AMD for complete details on this service.

Enhanced Proxy Detection now works with Apple Private Relay

Enhanced Proxy Detection (EPD) helps identify requests for your content that have been redirected from an unwanted source via a proxy. However, Apple's iCloud Private Relay feature uses proxies before forwarding requests to a content origin in an effort to protect user privacy. EPD has been enhanced to recognize these proxies so that requests from them won't be accidentally blocked.

There's nothing you need to configure for this enhancement. If you want more information on EPD, see Enhanced Proxy Detection & AMD.