Sep 26, 2023 — Akamai Zero Trust Client Mobile Limited Availability (LA) Release

We are pleased to announce the LA release of the ​Akamai​ ​Zero Trust Client​ for mobile, which extends the Access solution to iOS and Android devices. The mobile client lets you securely access your organization’s applications and resources directly from your mobile device.

The client works in conjunction with ​Akamai​’s Zero Trust service and leverages single sign-on (SSO) authentication to provide users with a secure way to access your organization’s network.

To learn more about Access, see Enterprise Application Access (EAA) documentation.

To get started with the mobile client, see ​Zero Trust Client​ documentation.

Key features

  • Zero Trust Client for mobile delivers and secures access to enterprise applications such as:
    • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Secure Shell (SSH) clients
    • on-premises file sharing services (FTP, SFTP, SMB)
    • email clients accessing on-premises SMTP/POP/IMAP servers
    • TCP/UDP-based client-access applications are supported in tunnel mode
  • Support for Device Posture signal collection and EAA access control rules
  • End-users can share their client logs with the administrator
  • The client is available for download from the Apple App Store for iOS and Google Play Store for Android


  • Access only. Threat Protection will be added at a later stage. The existing Threat Protection clients are still supported.
  • Internationalization and localization. The mobile client is available only in English.
  • Screen orientation. On smartphones, the mobile client supports portrait mode only.
  • Device identification. Reinstalling or updating the client to a new version results in a new Device ID being generated for the device.
  • Device Posture remediation. Remediation notifications for Device Posture are not available.
  • MDM deployment. The mobile client installation process for MDM deployment doesn’t support passing the IDP parameter during installation. End-users are prompted to enter the IDP hostname after the app is deployed on their devices. MDM deployment documentation will be made available at a later date.
  • EAA TCP-type client-access applications aren’t supported. For TCP-based applications, use the tunnel-type mode.
  • Application destinations in Enterprise Center. If you have multiple destinations set up with the same wildcard hostname, the mobile client can see only the first one.
  • IDP hostnames:
    • If you enter your IDP hostname with the https:// protocol prefix when configuring the client, you may encounter an error. The workaround is to enter the IDP hostname without the protocol prefix.
    • IDP hostnames that contain numbers aren’t supported.

Supported iOS versions

  • iOS 14.1 or later

Supported Android versions

  • Android 10 or later

License and EAA configuration requirements