Get a list of Cloud Wrapper configurations associated with your API client's credentials.
data "akamai_cloudwrapper_configurations" "my_configurations" {
output "my_configurations" {
value = data.akamai_cloudwrapper_configurations.my_configurations
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_configurations = {
+ configurations = [
+ {
+ capacity_alerts_threshold = null
+ comments = "Configuration changes for 03/08/2023"
+ config_id = 12345
+ config_name = "My_configuration1"
+ contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
+ last_activated_by = "jsmith"
+ last_activated_date = "2023-03-08T22:25:19.724Z"
+ last_updated_by = "jsmith"
+ last_updated_date = "2023-03-08T20:54:44.000Z"
+ locations = [
+ {
+ capacity = {
+ unit = "GB"
+ value = 10
+ comments = "My comments about Europe."
+ map_name = "cw-s-eu"
+ traffic_type_id = 5
+ {
+ capacity = {
+ unit = "GB"
+ value = 10
+ comments = "My comments about the UK."
+ map_name = "cw-s-gb"
+ traffic_type_id = 29
+ multi_cdn_settings = null
+ notification_emails = [
+ "",
+ property_ids = [
+ "12345",
+ "98765",
+ retain_idle_objects = false
+ status = "ACTIVE"
+ {
+ capacity_alerts_threshold = null
+ comments = "Configuration changes for 01/19/2023"
+ config_id = 98765
+ config_name = "My_configuration2"
+ contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
+ last_activated_by = "jsmith"
+ last_activated_date = "2023-01-18T20:09:39.536Z"
+ last_updated_by = "jsmith"
+ last_updated_date = "2023-01-14T19:02:40.000Z"
+ locations = [
+ {
+ capacity = {
+ unit = "GB"
+ value = 1
+ comments = "My comments about US east."
+ map_name = "cw-s-use"
+ traffic_type_id = 2
+ multi_cdn_settings = null
+ notification_emails = [
+ "",
+ property_ids = [
+ "76543",
+ retain_idle_objects = false
+ status = "ACTIVE"
+ id = "akamai_cloudwrapper_configurations"
variable "config_name" {
type = string
description = "My Cloud Wrapper configuration name."
default = "My_configuration2"
// tvars
config_name = var.config_name
This data source is passed empty. The config_section
argument in the Akamai provider
block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.
Returned to you is a configurations
set with high level details about your configurations.
Attribute | Description |
capacity_alerts_threshold | The storage limit that triggers a threshold alert. |
config_id | A configuration's ID. |
config_name | A configuration's name. |
comments | The descriptive information you've provided about a configuration. |
contract_id | Your contract ID. |
last_activated_by | The name of the user who last activated the configuration. |
last_activated_date | The ISO 8601 time stamp for the latest activation. |
last_updated_by | The name of the user who last updated the configuration. |
last_updated_date | The ISO 8601 time stamp for the latest update. |
locations | A list of details about a location's traffic settings.
notification_emails | A list of email addresses that receive change notifications. |
property_ids | A list of a the property IDS to which a configuration associated. |
retain_idle_objects | Boolean that sets retention status beyond the max idle lifetime. |
status | The current provisioning state of your configuration.
id | A computed value for the data source. |
Updated 30 days ago