

The Sure​Route feature continually tests different routes between origin and edge servers to identify the optimal path. By default, it conducts races to identify alternative paths to use in case of a transmission failure. These races increase origin traffic slightly.

This behavior allows you to configure Sure​Route along with a test object to improve delivery of non-cacheable no-store or bypass-cache content. Since edge servers are already positioned as close as possible to requesting clients, the behavior does not apply to cacheable content.


Enables the Sure​Route behavior, to optimize delivery of non-cached content.


Specifies the set of edge servers used to test routes.


Use the default set of edge servers.


A custom map that you need to get from Akamai Professional Services.


If type is CUSTOM_​MAP, this specifies the map string provided to you by Akamai Professional Services, or included as part of the Site Shield product.

type is CUSTOM_​MAP

Specifies the path and filename for your origin's test object to use in races to test routes.

Akamai provides sample test objects for the Dynamic Site Accelerator and Web Application Accelerator products. If you want to use your own test object, it needs to be on the same origin server as the traffic being served through Sure​Route. Make sure it returns a 200 HTTP response and does not require authentication. The file should be an average-sized static HTML file (Content-Type: text/html) that is no smaller than 8KB, with no back-end processing.

If you have more than one origin server deployed behind a load balancer, you can configure it to serve the test object directly on behalf of the origin, or route requests to the same origin server to avoid deploying the test object on each origin server.


Specifies which hostname to use.


Use the incoming Host header when requesting the Sure​Route test object.


Use to_​host to specify a custom Host header.


If to_​host_​status is OTHER, this specifies the custom Host header to use when requesting the Sure​Route test object.

to_​host_​status is OTHER
race_​stat_​ttlstring (duration)

Specifies the time-to-live to preserve Sure​Route race results, typically 30m. If traffic exceeds a certain threshold after TTL expires, the overflow is routed directly to the origin, not necessarily optimally. If traffic remains under the threshold, the route is determined by the winner of the most recent race.


Forces Sure​Route to use SSL when requesting the origin's test object, appropriate if your origin does not respond to HTTP requests, or responds with a redirect to HTTPS.


When disabled, caches race results under the race destination's hostname. If enabled, use custom_​stat_​key to specify a custom hostname.


This specifies a hostname under which to cache race results. This may be useful when a property corresponds to many origin hostnames. By default, Sure​Route would launch races for each origin, but consolidating under a single hostname runs only one race.

enable_​custom_​key is true