May 14, 2024 — User status enhancements

This release introduces the following enhancements, which provide additional visibility into user activity and behavior:

  • New user status: Inactive. Indicates that a user hasn’t authenticated or enrolled with any of their devices in the last 30 days.
  • Active user status. Indicates that a user has either enrolled their device(s) or authenticated within the last 30 days.
  • New user status: Provisioned. Indicates that a user exists in the service but hasn’t completed an enrollment or authentication workflow yet. This status replaces the Unenrolled status.

Key details:

  • Above changes don’t impact how users are treated during authentication; they simply reflect recent activity.
  • When all user devices are deleted, an Active or Inactive user reverts to the Provisioned status. A Provisioned user can enroll again if policy allows.
  • Marking all user devices as disabled changes an Active or Inactive user’s status to Devices Disabled. The user will require administrative action to perform authentication again.
  • A Provisioned user doesn’t become Active when an administrator assigns an email or hardware token to that user.

To learn more about user statuses, refer to the ​Akamai MFA​ documentation.