Oct 10, 2022 — Image & Video Manager updates
Recent updates include a complete redesign of the dashboard, a transition to using the HTTP Accept header for image format selection, and updates to the API.
Dashboard Redesign
New Overview tab: Dashboard insights are now distributed across three tabs: Overview, Images, and Videos. The new Overview tab contains six metric cards that provide a high-level information about the following: total byte reduction, traffic distribution, top images by number of hits, and top videos by number of seconds transmitted. If only images are included in your contract, the Videos tab will be unavailable and only three metric cards will appear on the Overview tab.
New metric cards - Images tab
Quality value override for slow connections: When enabled, lower quality variants of images are served to users with slow network connections (>300 RTT). This metric card shows you the percentage of image hits to which the quality value override was applied.
Image optimization: This metric card provides a proportional representation of the level of optimization of delivered images. The state of a delivered image can be offline (fully) optimized, optimized in real-time pending availability of the fully optimized image, or not optimized, either because the original image was requested, or because an issue was encountered during processing.
Policies: This metric card lists the image policies configured for the current account.
New metric cards - Videos tab
Quality value override for slow connections: When enabled, lower quality variants of videos are served to users with slow network connections (>300 RTT). This metric card shows you the percentage of video hits to which the quality value override was applied.
Video optimization: This metric card provides a proportional representation of the level of optimization of delivered videos. The state of a delivered video can be offline (fully) optimized, original (pristine) pending optimization, or not optimized, either because the original video was requested, or because an issue was encountered during processing.
Policies: This metric card lists the video policies configured for the current account.
Accept header format selection
Image Manager is evolving to use the HTTP Accept header to detect supported image formats to maximize the advertised capabilities of the requesting application. This change will ensure that we deliver modern image formats, like AVIF, to applications immediately once they declare support. This change also ensures we continue to deliver optimal image formats as Google Chrome and other applications reduce use of the User-Agent (UA).
Rollout of this support in Image and Video Manager has started and is expected to complete over the next few weeks. Use of this technique for video selection is limited today due to he way the Accept header is used by browsers for video.
If you are using a commercial browser or application, no action is required to benefit from this change. Custom applications should be validated to confirm that capabilities for the device are advertised accurately in the Accept header.
API now includes endpoints for creating and listing shared policy sets.
API documentation has been updated to include network paths for non-imaging OPEN clients, as well as additional information about transformations.