Jul 7, 2022 — Planned maintenance

The Akamai Identity Cloud (AIC) service will undergo a maintenance update on 07 JULY 2022 starting at 17:00 UTC and lasting for ~4 hours. The service will remain operational during this period with no disruptions expected for any AIC service.

  • When: 07 JULY 2022, 17:00 UTC
  • What: The Hosted Login service will be updated to address a less common race condition in the manage profile action which could place the browser in a bad state. The release will also include additional dependency updates and improvements for future functionality. In addition, the API service for the Console will be updated to activate additional CSRF prevention.
  • Component Area(s)*: Hosted Login, Console
  • Duration/Impact: The service will remain operational during this period without any expected impact.

From August 1st through August 9, 2022, the Identity Cloud Engineering team will be performing major updates to databases that store the end user profiles. These updates will require 30 to 60 minutes of downtime depending on the complexity of performing the upgrade. For more information please see Updated: Major database upgrade planned.

* Component Area(s). The Identity Cloud API documentation for each Component Area and Associated Service can be found in the article Release categories and endpoints.

If you experience a service issue during or shortly after this planned change please contact AkaTec.