Feb 5, 2019 — Identity Cloud Console updates
The latest update to the Identity Cloud Console includes the following features and enhancements:
Added a column on the Manage Properties page listing the entity type that is associated with each API client.
Added a “select all” function for managing Entity Type Filters for user data access in the Manage Agents section.
The save button is now disabled until all options under Entity Type Filters have loaded when managing Console users in the Manage Agents section.
Customer Care Portal Agent Managers can now manage other Console users with the Profile Admin, Profile Manager, and Profile Viewer roles.
This update also includes the following bug fixes for the Identity Cloud Console:
Resolved an issue preventing pending invitations from being edited on the Manage Agents page.
Resolved an issue preventing the list of users on the Manage Agents search page from displaying the total number of roles assigned to each user.
Resolved an issue preventing Console from fully loading if a permissions check to any Console region failed to respond.
Resolved an issue preventing the guided search filter on the Manage Profiles page from always loading the list of attributes available for searching.
Resolved an issue causing dateTime attributes displaying as –1 days from the actual value on the Edit Profile page.
Resolved an issue with the display of attributes with the name “type” on the Edit Full Record page.