Mar 17, 2022 — Maintenance update

The Akamai Identity Cloud (AIC) service will undergo an AWS required security maintenance update on 17 MARCH 2022. Updates will be completed in about 1 hour and will be applied during low traffic periods for each impacted region. There are no functional changes needing customer action, but two small windows of downtime (~1 min each) will be required. The updates will be applied at the following times:

  • When: 17 MARCH 2022, 09:00 UTC (Canada region)
    17 MARCH 2022, 15:00 UTC (Australia region)
    17 MARCH 2022, 17:00 UTC (Singapore region)
    17 MARCH 2022, 19:00 UTC (Japan region)

  • What: The Akamai Identity Cloud is performing an AWS required security maintenance upgrade to a series of supported databases. The maintenance activity is expected to last one (1) hour with two (2) small periods of downtime lasting approximately one (1) minute each.

  • Component Area(s): OpenID Connect, Hosted Login, Social Authentication, Registration, Entity, Legacy OAuth

  • Duration/Impact: During the downtime periods, the core services for Authentication and Registration will be offline. Previously authenticated users will not be impacted. End users who attempt to Register or Authenticate during the actual downtime may need to retry depending on timing.

In addition, the Akamai Identity Cloud (AIC) service will undergo a maintenance update on 17 MARCH 2022 starting at 17:00 UTC and lasting for ~4 hours. The service will remain operational during this period with no disruptions expected for any AIC service.

  • When: 17 MARCH 2022, 17:00 UTC
  • What: The Registration Service will be updated to address an issue where previously deleting a plural attribute of an entity type prevents the entity type from being deleted.
  • Component Area(s): Registration
  • Duration/Impact: The service will remain operational during this period with no disruptions expected for any AIC service.


The Identity Cloud API documentation for each Component Area and Associated Service can be found in the document Release categories and endpoints.

If you experience a service issue during or shortly after this planned change please contact AkaTec at the numbers listed here:
