Jan 13, 2022 — Registration and Authentication service updates

The Akamai Identity Cloud (AIC) service will undergo a maintenance update on 13 JANUARY 2022 starting at 17:00 UTC. The core login and registration services will remain operational during this period, but there will be a small window (10 minutes) where the Social Login Configuration service will be unavailable.

  • When: 13 JANUARY 2022, 17:00 UTC

  • What: Several planned updates this release for the Registration, Authentication and Social Login Configuration services:

    • The Registration Service will be updated with an internal token revocation endpoint for the platform to leverage. Additional maintenance changes will update the entity.create and entity.update endpoints so they return an "invalid password attribute" error when the password history attribute is included (previous behavior was to silently ignore the value). The release will also address an edge case for an incorrect entity.create error reported when using direct_access clients.

    • The Authentication Service will undergo a number of maintenance changes for dependency cleanup, minor changes to address OIDC Flow Certification, and additional changes to prepare for session checking.

    • The Identity Cloud team will be applying a series of mandatory security updates to the database associated with the Social Login Configuration Dashboard. The maintenance is expected to take less than 10 minutes, but will require a small window of downtime. During the maintenance window, Akamai customers will be unable to access the social login configuration. No other services will be impacted, and no customer action is required.

  • Component Area(s): Registration, OpenID Connect, Social Login Configuration

  • Duration/Impact: The Registration and Authentication services will remain operational during the maintenance update, but there will be a small window of downtime (10 minutes) during the Social Login Dashboard service maintenance window.


The Identity Cloud API documentation for each Component Area and Associated Service can be found in the document Release categories and endpoints.

If you experience a service issue during or shortly after this planned change please contact AkaTec at the numbers listed here:
