Nov 18, 2020 — Edge DNS updates
over 4 years ago by
This Edge DNS release includes the following new features and enhancements.
New features
- Health status. The Edge DNS System Status page provides a convenient and efficient method to learn about Edge DNS and Global Traffic Management operational issues. Its purpose is to complement Service Incident Notifications available on Akamai Community.
- Alias zone option. The Alias zone add-on is an optional tool designed to reduce per-zone total cost of ownership (TCO) for low-volume domains or zones of DNS information, such as typo domains. This option reduces TCO with a lower per-zone fee.
- Service binding resource record types. New HTTPS and SVCB DNS resource record types provide clients with information about connections to network services from multiple, alternative locations or endpoints. These new record types also enable alias capability at the domain apex, a long-standing challenge for the Internet.
- ACME shell support. The ACME shell script includes support for Edge DNS in this release.
- Certbot plugin support. The Akamai Edge DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot automates the process of completing Let’s Encrypt domain validation by creating, and subsequently removing, TXT records using Akamai Edge DNS and a DNS–01 challenge type.
- CLI bulk zone imports. The Akamai CLI for Edge DNS provides bulk import capabilities with commands that you can use to submit a set of zones and check the result and status of zones.
- Menu improvements. The Akamai Control Center menu explicitly supports Edge DNS functions.