To configure this API for the first time:

  • Before you can use this API, you need to Create authentication credentials.

  • To enable this API, choose the API service named CPcode and Reporting group (CPRG), and set the access level to READ WRITE.

  • You need different permissions to access API functions. You can manage permissions in ​Control Center​. Learn more about the access control model. To use this API, you need to add one of the following roles:

  • To use this API, you need to have a READ access level to the Property Manager API.

The code examples shown in this API documentation are for reference but do not contain the required authentication code syntax you need to make API calls. For code samples you can copy and paste, check out the Recipes. To learn how to apply authentication in a variety of programming languages when using Akamai APIs, refer to Authenticate with EdgeGrid.


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