Mar 23, 2021

New Features

  • Included Properties Activated with Policy section into the Shared Policy details. A user will be able to view all the properties that activated this policy from the policy details page.
  • New endpoints are added for Cloudlets API v3:
    • GET /cloudlets/v3/cloudlet-info. Returns a list of cloudlets.
    • GET /policies/{id}/properties. Returns a list of properties that are activated with their reference policies.


  • Cloudlets policy is sorted by the Last Activity (default). This places the policies that were modified last on the top of the list.
  • Added a Beta label next to the Unused Rules under Reporting > Edge Redirector Reporting. Please note, this feature is still under development.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a match rules generation logic. This bug is related to has_wildcard flag and rules optimization logic.
  • Fixed the SNI (Server Name Indication) problem in the Policy Cost Analysis report.
  • Cloudlets API v2 lists the policies endpoint properly handles includeDeleted query parameter.