Mar 31, 2020 — Test Center 2.0 limited availability
We are pleased to announce the limited availability release of Test Center 2.0. With this release we introduce the functional testing capability. With functional testing, you can assert expected conditions to positively confirm that a new business requirement or config version will behave as intended. You can read more about it in the Test Center documentation.
The latest update for Test Center 2.0 enables you to:
Select, create, modify, and delete single or multiple test objects (requirements, config versions, test suites, test cases, conditions, test request, client profiles).
Evaluate the following criteria on the HTTP response corresponding to the test request or a specific config setting applied to the test request:
- Response Code.
- Response Header.
- Content Provider Code (CP Code).
- Caching Option.
- Cache Key Query Parameters.
- Ignore Case in Cache Key.
- Origin Server.
- Metadata Variables (Variables).
- Redirect.
- Last Mile Acceleration.
- Tiered Distribution.
- Log Request Details.
- Prefetch Objects.
- SureRoute.
Include different types of primary testing objects, comparative and functional, in the same test run.
Execute a test run, check its progress, and view test results.
Check a list of included primary testing objects in the test run and show the corresponding result information.
Configure stateful test suites.
- When executing a stateful test suite, maintain browser cookies between the test cases included in it.
- When configuring a stateful test suite, constrain all test cases to use the same client profile.
- Allow reordering of the included test cases.
Integrate with Event Viewer:
- Expose appropriate event types through Event Viewer.
- Log key events in Event Viewer.
- Log key user actions in a recent activity audit trail.
Clone test objects (test suites, test cases, conditions, and test requests) based on the object type and relational constraints between them.
Access all functional testing capabilities using open API.