Jul 14, 2020 — New metrics and features

See details below on new metrics and features.

New charts and metrics in Traffic Report
Two new charts in the Traffic Report showing Maximum rollup for Hits and Bytes views and corresponding metrics displayed over time.

Import/Export CP codes feature
For CP code filter that displays as a list we have introduced:
Import feature - allows you to import CP code list from a CSV file.
Export feature - allows you to export selected CP codes into a CSV file
The CSV file format is validated and the content CP codes are cross checked with user permissions.

Reporting display updates
Reporting and Event Center color codes were updated for respective response codes (0XX - 6XX) and aligned across all reports and Event Center.

When you zoom the chart, only the previously shown data series are zoomed and displayed.
Saved Reports with names exceeding the Report Name column width have tooltip with full name. The tooltip also displays full text for chosen filter settings, otherwise replaced in the table header with ellipsis.
Tooltip for KPI/Table now presents a full unit name (Bytes, Bytes/Second, Bits, Bits/Second, Milliseconds).

Scheduled Reports updates
View and Edit options are now separated in the Scheduled Reports tables. All options are displayed according to the user’s scheduled report permissions. * Filtering in the Scheduled Reports table was enabled for Emails column.