Sep 24, 2019 — Property Manager new features and bug fixes

New features available for Property Manager. The release also includes miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.

New features:

  • Use Case Mapping: In order to ensure optimal performance for different traffic types (use cases), the Adaptive Media Delivery (AMD) and Download Delivery (DD) products now provide additional options for hostnames and edge hostnames. Previously these options were only available by contacting professional services.
  • AMD: Choose between LIVE and VOD (on-demand) modes.
  • DD: Choose between foreground and background delivery priority. Foreground delivery option requires a contract entitlement.
  • You will see the new use case options in the Mapping Solution step of the Add Hostname wizard, as well as in the property hostnames list.
  • You will also see the new use case options in the Edge Hostname tool.
  • For PAPI you can include the optional useCases json block when creating edge hostnames. Please refer to the PAPI documentation for details.
    Note: If you have existing hostnames that may not be configured for the appropriate traffic type, you can edit the Property Manager config, remove the hostnames and add them back in, while specifying the appropriate use case when prompted. A new edge hostname will then be created when you activate the property and finally you will need to change your CNAME to the new edge hostname for the change to take effect.
  • Site Failover behavior: Now supports Property Manager variables, giving you more flexibility and control when configuring failover settings.