Mar 23, 2020 — Property Manager new features and bug fixes

New features available for Property Manager. The release also includes miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.

New features:

  • Origin Behavior. Origin behavior now supports the “Use Platform Settings” option for Origin SSL Certificate Verification when used with an Amazon S3 origin.
  • Edge Hostname Limits. We are now enforcing platform safety limits on the number of edge hostnames you can create via Property Manager or PAPI. You will see a status message in the Property Manager UI and in PAPI showing you how many edge hostnames you have remaining. If you are close to, or over, the limit, we encourage you to access the Edge hostnames application in Control Center and remove any unused edge hostnames you may have. You can also reach out to your account team to request a limit increase.

Bug fixes:

  • Several PAPI 500 errors have been converted to more appropriate 4XX error codes. This is part of an ongoing effort to improve the PAPI developer experience.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements.