Jun 25, 2019 — Property Manager updates

Implementation of several new Property Manager features, enhancements, and bug fixes. These apply to the Property Manager API (PAPI) as well.

New features:

  • Configuration Manager discontinued
    • Config Manager is now EOL and no longer available for use - See Config Manager EOL
    • Config Manager Viewer: You can no longer create new config versions in Config Manager format. You can view your existing Config Manager configs in view/only mode in Property Manager. To make configuration changes, you will need to upgrade to Property Manager. Your Config Manager configs will continue serving traffic uninterrupted!
    • Rolling Back to Config Manager: If you upgrade to Property Manager and experience any issues, you can reach out to your account team and they can roll back to Config Manager until the issues are resolved.
    • Advanced Config Editor: A new Advanced Config Editor is now available as part of Property Manager. You can view the XML and activate previous versions, but creating/editing advanced configurations is only available to internal Akamai employees.
  • Property Name and Version Variables
    • To make testing, diagnostics, and troubleshooting easier, we are now including two new variables:
      • AKA_PM_PROPERTY_NAME - contains the property name as seen in Property Manager
      • AKA_PM_PROPERTY_VERSION - contains the current property version (as a number without a ‘v’ prefix).
    • These variables are returned as X-Akamai-Session-Info response headers if Pragma: akamai-x-get-extracted-values is passed in the request.


  • Cloud Monitor Data Delivery Enhancements
    • Now supports Property Manager variables.
    • Added support for Allow PUT and Modify Outgoing Request Path behaviors.
  • NetStorage Origin
    • Now automatically ignores query strings in the cache key.
    • WebDAV methods are now automatically disabled for NetStorage origins, reducing unnecessary overhead.
  • Site Failover
    • Now warns you if used it without a recommended match (Origin Timeout, Response Code, Variable, Variable Error, Response Header or Advanced).
    • Added “Response Code” option when you are serving alternate content from NetStorage.
  • Response Header Match
    • Now includes forward-response stages. This means that you can validly check for a response header from the origin and add an Edge-Control response header.
  • Last Mile Acceleration
    • Now warns you to add a content-type match to ensure the content is compressible.
  • Set Variable
    • Previously you could only assign variable values based on the incoming client request (client-request metadata stage). *We now support all metadata stages, which means you can assign variable values based on origin responses.
  • Property Creation Page
    • Now links to the updated Live (MSL) and On Demand (MSOD) Media configuration applications.
  • File Extension Match
    • Now allows the question-mark character (‘?’) in a file extension, to indicate any single character, so you can for instance match on .jp?
  • Auth Token 2.0 Verification
    • Now includes a negative match on the AKAMAI_TRANSLATE and AKAMAI_PURGE request methods, thus ensuring that purge functionality does not require a valid auth token. This means you no longer need Akamai professional services to add an Advanced Match around the behavior.
  • Regex Match
    • Now has a wider field for the regex string so you can see more of the regex as you’re typing.
  • Cache ID Modification
    • Now includes a warning that you need to specify all the cache ID elements each time you use this behavior. The cache ID elements are not “inherited” from parent rules.
  • Miscellaneous
    • The EdgeWorker behavior has an updated description.
    • Image Manager Advanced match now includes option to not match.
    • Removed the CP Code cache invalidation warning from Image Manager behavior since these cached images are not affected by CP Code changes.
    • EdgeConnect now defaults new hostnames to IPv6/IPv4 dual stack.

Bug Fixes:

  • Set Cookie behavior now allow periods “.” in cookie name.
  • Property Manager variables are now properly hidden when marked as sensitive.
  • Site Failover behavior now properly handles G2O (ghost to origin) security, when serving alternate content from NetStorage.
  • Edge IP Binding now presents user with up to date edge ip binding hostname information in their property.
  • Fixed translation error for the Access Denied page.
  • The MERGE and MKACTIVITY request methods will no longer appear in the Request Method match as these methods are not supported on the Akamai platform
  • Property Manager API (PAPI) - Converted several 500 error responses to appropriate 4XX response codes.
  • As part of Segmented Media protection’s advanced options, we now enforce setting either Salt or - Request Headers for Session Token Salt, but not both.
  • Miscellaneous performance and reliability enhancements.