Jun 1, 2016 — Launch of variable support and edge hostname updates

Property Manager now supports variables. Variable Support gives you more control over your configuration. It lets you create complex configurations without calling your support representative to implement advanced metadata. A number of built-in variables as well as user-defined variables are provided,with detailed documentation.

Variable support:

Variables allow you to implement custom functionality, including:

  • Complex forward path modification
  • Parameterize redirects
  • Read, add, and modify HTTP headers and cookies
  • Instrument advanced metadata with input/output variables

Edge hostname updates:

Property Manager no longer requires the user to provide a string that is a properly formatted hostname for the successful creation of edge hostnames.

You can now add digital properties ending in “akamaized.net” as a property hostname. The edge hostname auto-creation process now recognizes that and other reserved suffixes and no longer appends them a second time.