Jul 30, 2020 — New IoN rule sets

The latest Property Manager update includes six new Ion rule sets that allow you to update existing property configurations to mirror new Akamai recommended settings (these rules will become default configurations in an upcoming release). To utilize these new recommendations, click Add Rule while configuring one of your existing properties.

The new Ion rule sets include:

  • Augment insights. Settings related to monitoring and reporting.
  • Accelerate delivery. Settings related to improving the performance of delivering objects to your users.
  • Offload origin. Settings related to caching content at the edge and in the browser.
  • Strengthen security. Settings that minimize the information your website shares with clients and malicious entities to reduce your exposure to threats.
  • Increase availability. Settings that control responding when your origin or third parties are slow or even down to minimize the negative impact on user experience.
  • Minimize payload. Settings that reduce the size of the delivered content and decrease the number of bytes sent by your properties.