Nov 15, 2022 — New features
about 2 years ago by
The latest mPulse update includes the following features:
Performance Explorer:
- Quick and easy access to performance analytics.
- Features include leading indicators, timers and metrics dashboard, and related timers.
- Summary widgets provide a link to their respective details dashboard.
- Line, area, and bar charts now support multi-series. You can select multiple metrics or timers for any of those charts.
- Multi-series data for bar and area charts have the following display options: grouped, stacked, percentage stacked.
- Line, area, bar, and combo charts display metrics. Metrics options include counts, bytes, percentages, and currencies.
Combination charts:
- Allow for two display visualizations in a single widget, such as line and bar.
- Have two Y axis, “Y” and “Y2.” Each can accept independent timers or metrics.
- Support multi-series data.
Filters relative to current day:
- New date/time filters relative to current day.
- Any relative to current day filter option uses the current day as the reference point.
- Options include: last [day of the week], last week, last calendar week, last month, last [month]