Jun 19, 2019 — Changes, enhancements, and bug fixes
over 5 years ago by namadeo@akamai.com
Changes and Enhancements:
- A new charting library, resulting in improved chart performance and some very minor styling updates.
- The ability to set a separate axis title for combined metric charts.
- Improved handling of domain filters in widgets.
- Dashboard y-axis setting now persists when you close and reopen.
- Time series charts are now anchored at zero (0) by default.
- In the Specify Alert Detail dialog, the add an annotation checkbox label now reflects that auto cleared alerts won’t trigger annotation generation.
Bug Fixes:
- An issue with size bucket values.
- An issue that was causing falsely triggered alerts.
- Inconsistencies between error messages when adding new custom timer charts in dashboards.
- An issue where the browser would become unresponsive when exporting to image is selected from a pop-out widget.
- An issue with median values for mPulse Decoded Body Size.
- An issue with beacon counts in the Multi-dimension table widget.
- An issue with incorrect y-axis values for the Static Max Value metric.
- An issue where custom metrics were only visible across widgets when filtering to one day.