Oct 10, 2022 — New features and bug fixes
almost 2 years ago by namadeo@akamai.com
Release 1.766
New Features
- EventTiming: Interaction to Next Paint (INP) support
- Continuity: Add supporting data for LCP and CLS
- ResourceTiming: Add nextHopProtocol to resource timing data
- Boomerang: Don't listen for beforeunload if pagehide is supported; Added no_unload option
- Boomerang: Support collecting High Entropy Client Hints
- SPA: Include timing data in spa_init and spa_navigation events
- Boomerang: Support for User Agent Deprecation, read navigator.userAgentData and avoid navigator.userAgent and navigator.platform
Bug Fixes
- ResourceTiming: Don't add data to Unload beacons. Memory: Only add data to Page Load beacons.
- Continuity: Disable Page Busy polling for Firefox
- PaintTiming: Only include pt.lcp.src and pt.lcp.el on the pt.lcp beacon
- EventTiming: Ensure timestamps and durations are rounded to nearest ms
- EventTiming: Add additional serialized event mappings
- EventTiming: interactionToNextPaint() API should return the latest
- Continuity: Don't add c.cls.d or c.cls.topid if there were no CLS
- RT: Don't update cookie on beacon_url change
- Tests: Fix many Docker failures, Remove PhantomJS, fix Dockerfiles
- BOOMR_config: Simplify override list to true if everything is allowed
- Build: Strip BOOMR.info, .warn, .error on production builds
- Docs: Memory's dev.mem