This section provides a guide to the set of resources this API makes available and provides links to where you can learn more.
- Collection. A top-level construct that contains API keys. All keys in a collection share the quota and ACL settings specified for the collection.
- Endpoint. A set of logically related API resources.
- Access control list. A list of endpoints and resources that API consumers who identify with keys from a particular collection can access.
- Quota. The maximum number of requests that API consumers who identify with keys from a particular collection can send to an API within a specific time period.
- Key. A unique identifier that enables Akamai edge servers to authenticate, track, and manage API consumers.
- Tag. An additional category that you associate with an API key. You can use tags for filtering operations.
- Report. A report that displays data related to quota usage within a key collection. Two quota reports are available: one that displays the request count for a single API key over time, and another that displays the quota assigned to and quota used by selected API keys at a specific time.
- Throttling counter. A throttling counter is an object composed of a set of conditions that, when matched by an incoming client request, cause the counter to increase. For each counter, you define a limit of allowed requests per second, and if that limit is reached, edge servers reject any subsequent requests that match the counter’s associated conditions. A throttling counter operates based on a moving average of received requests during the last 5 seconds. If the average decreases below the specified requests-per-second limit, API consumers regain the capability to make requests that match the counter’s associated conditions.