JUMP TOAPIIoT Edge Connect APIAPI summaryGet startedOpenAPI schemaAPI conceptsRate limitingIdentity topic filters guidelinesAuthorization group wildcardTopic filtersAccess control listsRules warning messagesAnonymous accessErrors400403404409415500503NamespaceTopic filter wildcardsNamespacesReserve a namespacepostList reserved namespacesgetList all reserved namespacesgetRemove a namespacedeleteNamespace configurationsCreate a namespace configurationpostList all namespace configurationsgetGet a namespace configurationgetUpdate a namespace configurationputDelete a namespace configurationdeleteCreate a version of a namespace configurationpostList versions of a namespace configurationgetConfiguration versionsList all operations for configuration versionsgetDeactivate a version of a namespace configurationputActivate a version of a namespace configurationput400Malformed request. For example, from failing to meet the full set of schema requirements when POSTing a new resource.