Topic filters

There are three types of topics used in IoT Edge Connect. Here's how and when to use them.

Regular topic filter

Regular topic filters are predefined by the user before publishing messages. They are usually used for simple tasks, such as notifications or updates. The regular topic filter path looks as follows:


Device identity topic filter

Device identity filters define which devices can subscribe or publish to the topic they indicate. They include the %c wildcard, representing a single topic level with client identifier. Only the device with a matching client identifier can publish or subscribe to topics these filters represent.


User identity topic filter

User identity filters define which users can subscribe or publish to the topic they indicate. They include the %u wildcard, representing a single topic level with client identifier. Only the user with a matching user identifier can publish or subscribe to topics these filters represent.


Topic filter wildcards

This wildcard # matches multiple levels of the topic path. This example would match all child topics and their subsequent levels.


This wildcard + matches a single level of the topic path. This example would match all child topics, but not their subsequent levels.



You can mix multi and single level wildcards in a single topic filter, as shown here:
