May 29, 2019 — Additional threat information available

Additional threat information is now available in ​SIA​. Note this feature is currently in beta.

May 21, 2019 — ETP updates

  • Security templates now available. An ​SIA​ administrator can now apply a security template or a preset template to a policy configuration. This allows administrators to implement best practices when configuring policy actions. It also gives administrators a starting point to defining a policy.

    When creating or modifying a policy, you can select one of these templates:

    • Strict. Contains settings that block known and most suspected threat categories. This template applies settings that are a best practice for a policy.
    • Monitor-only. Logs and reports threats but it does not block them. The Monitor-only template is ideal for testing or assessing policy impact before using the Strict template. This template assigns the monitor policy action to all known and suspected threat categories.
    • Custom. Let’s you define policy actions for known and suspected threats.
      A security template defines settings for threat categories in the ​Akamai​ Security tab only.
  • Updates to delegated and tenant access. A delegated administrator can now:

    • Add email address for communication emails and assign communication emails. A delegated administrator can assign these users to any communication email.

    • View Security Connector activity.

      A tenant administrator can now:

    • Add emails address for communication emails and configure these users to receive communication emails for alerts and system issues.

    • Schedule a report.

    • View and analyze DNS event data on the Dashboard, Event Analysis, and DNS activity pages.
      The data in a scheduled report and on these reporting pages are based on the locations the tenant administrator can access.

  • Source IP now a dimension for DNS activity. On the DNS tab of the Activity page, you can now report the top source IP addresses that generated DNS requests. Source IP is now available as a dimension or data type in all DNS activity menus.

May 13, 2019 — Client Connector version 2.1.0 beta launch

With Client Connector 2.1.0, administrators can now configure Client Connector to roll back to the previous approved version. Administrators can also allow end users to uninstall Client Connector on Windows machines.

May 9, 2019 — ETP updates

  • New Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) categories. New AUP categories are available for administrators to control access to content.

    These categories include:

    • Finance & Investing. Category for websites that allow users to manage finances and investments.
    • Healthcare. Category for websites related to human health.
    • IP Telephony. Category for websites that allow users to make phone calls through the Internet.
  • Bypass action for AUP in beta. If ​SIA​ Proxy is enabled and your organization takes part in this beta, you can now select the bypass action for each AUP category or subcategory. The bypass action directs traffic to the origin IP address. It also bypasses the ​SIA​ proxy and TLS decryption.

  • Tenant access now available. An ​SIA​ super administrator can now enable tenant access and assign the tenant administrator role. This feature can be used by Managed Service Providers (MSP) to restrict and separate access of individual customers.

    A tenant administrator can:

    • Create locations, policies, and custom lists
    • Manage assigned location, policies, and custom lists
    • View events and other reporting data based on the locations they can access

    A tenant administrator cannot view locations, policies, and custom lists they did not create. They also cannot view other configuration areas of ​SIA​ such as the Utilities page. In previous releases, this administrator was called a strict delegated administrator.

  • New policy settings tab. A Settings tab is now available when creating or modifying a policy. This tab contains settings for ​SIA​ Proxy, inline payload analysis, browsing restrictions, and more. On the policy configuration page, these settings were previously part of the right pane that includes the policy name, description, and assigned locations.

Apr 10, 2019 — ETP updates

  • New user interface for a policy. A new user interface is now available for a policy configuration. Administrators can now more easily assign a policy action and the response that’s delivered to users.

    These changes apply:

    • For an ​Akamai​ security category and a list in a policy, separate menus are provided to assign an action, the response to users, and a security connector.

    • If you select the Block action, you can then select the block type in the Response to User menu. In this menu, you can select Error Page, a specific custom response, or if ​SIA​ Proxy is disabled, you can also select Refused Response. These settings allow you to apply the actions that were formerly called Block – Error Page, Custom – Response, and Block – DNS.

    • To assign a Security Connector, you select the Block action and the Error Page response. After this is done, you can select a security connector from the Security Connector menu. These settings allow you to apply the action that was formerly called Block – Sinkhole. If you don’t want to assign a Security Connector to an Error Page response, in the Security Connector menu, you can select None.

    • The Allow policy action is now available for custom lists and top-level domain (TLD) lists only.

    • You can apply the same policy settings to all known and suspected threats associated with an ​Akamai​ security category, a custom list, or a TLD list.

    For more information about configuring a policy, see the online help.

  • Security Connector 2.5.0 now in beta. Security Connector version 2.5.0 is now in beta and available for upgrade or download. This version allows your organization to direct malicious HTTP and HTTPS requests to Security Connector. To try version 2.5.0, contact your ​Akamai​ representative.

Jan 21, 2019 — Client Connector version 2.0.5 upgrade

If you previously installed version 2.0.4 on end-user machines, you can upgrade Client Connector to version 2.0.5 or allow end users to upgrade the software. This new version of Client Connector is also available for download in ​SIA​.

Jan 18, 2019 — ETP updates

  • New CSV files available for locations. On the Locations page, an administrator can now download a CSV file that lists all locations. An administrator can also now delete many locations in one operation by uploading a CSV that contains the locations they want to delete.

  • Custom list assignment for delegated and strict delegated administrators. A super administrator can now assign custom lists to a delegated administrator or a strict delegated administrator.

    A delegated administrator can:

    • Create new custom lists

    • Manage the custom lists that are assigned to them

    • Associate these custom lists to a policy that they created or are allowed to manage

      A strict delegated administrator can perform these operations as well. However, they cannot view the custom lists that they do not have permission to manage.

  • New user interface for scheduled reports. Administrators can now more easily create and manage settings associated with scheduled reports.

  • Dynamic DNS for locations (limited availability). Location page now indicates when the dynamic DNS domain associated with a location configuration is invalid or does not resolve to a valid IP address. If an administrator or ​SIA​ user is configured to receive communication emails about system issues, an administrator receives an email that lists locations with invalid DNS entries. An administrator can also generate a CSV that shows locations with these errors.

    This feature continues to be in limited availability. For more information, contact your ​Akamai​ representative.

Nov 13, 2018 — ETP updates

  • Update to custom lists in a policy. All custom and top-level domains lists are no longer included in a policy configuration by default. Administrators can now assign individual lists to a policy.

  • New user interface for Custom Lists. A new user interface is available on the Custom Lists page (Configuration > Lists). In the new design, administrators can now associate domains and IP addresses to a custom list when creating the list. Likewise, administrators can now add top-level domains when creating a top-level domains list.

  • Strict delegated access. When enabled for an organization, an ​SIA​ super administrator can assign a strict delegated administrator role and the locations and policies the delegated administrator is allowed to manage.

    A delegated administrator with restricted access can:

    • Create locations and policies

    • Manage assigned location and policies

    • View events and other reporting data based on the locations and policies they can access

      A strict delegated administrator cannot view locations and policies they did not create. They also cannot view other configuration areas of the product such as the Utilities page.

  • Support for dynamic DNS in limited availability. Dynamic DNS for a location configuration is now in limited availability. When enabled for an organization, an administrator can configure a location with a persistent DNS hostname that resolves to dynamic IP addresses. To enable this feature, contact your ​Akamai​ representative.

Oct 29, 2018 — Network protection from traffic threats

​SIA​ now protects your network from threats that target HTTP and HTTPS traffic.

Oct 25, 2018 — Client Connector version 2.0.4 beta launch

This version of Client Connector protects end-user machines that are on or off the corporate network.