Nov 22, 2024 — SIA Updates
3 months ago by
Secure Internet Access Enterprise now includes these updates:
- Security Summary dashboard in limited availability. The new Security Summary dashboard gives you visibility into the security of your organization’s network. It provides a risk score that measures your network’s security posture and assesses how vulnerable your network is to threats such as phishing, command and control communication, DNS exfiltration, and more. The Security Summary dashboard includes industry standard recommendations and mitigation steps to improve the risk score. It also gives you data to investigate threats, make informed decisions, and ultimately, take action against known or potential threats in your network. For more information, see Security Summary dashboard.
This feature is currently in limited availability. To see this dashboard in Enterprise Center, contact your Akamai representative.
- New CSV file with aggregate reporting data. In an event, activity, or network traffic report, you can now download a CSV that shows the total number of events, activity, or traffic based on the dimension you’ve selected in the report. For example, if you view a Threat Event report and select to group data by the Category dimension, the CSV shows the total number of events that were found in each of the detected threat categories.