Mar 14, 2018 — ETP updates
General availability of Enterprise Client Connector, a DNS proxy application that you download from SIA and configure for installation on users’ laptops. Client Connector allows organizations to protect laptops that are off the corporate network. With Client Connector, you can detect an end user’s network conditions, send off-network DNS requests to SIA, log Client Connector activity, and identify the machine name. Client Connector is supported on the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 7, Apple macOS Sierra, Mac OS X El Capitan, and Mac OS X Yosemite.
General availability of Enterprise Security Connector, a virtual machine that you download from SIA and deploy in your network to collect suspicious or malicious traffic, identify machines or laptops that are infected with malware or are making requests to malicious domains. This information is directed to Security Connector based on the policy configuration. SIA reports on this data and allows administrators to correlate this data with threat event information. Security Connector is supported on VMware ESXi version 5.5 or later.
In Akamai Control Center, SIA is now available under the Enterprise Security category. You can access SIA from these menu paths:
Monitor > Enterprise Security > Secure Internet Access Enterprise
Configure > Enterprise Security > Secure Internet Access Enterprise
The former category Enterprise Cloud Networking was deprecated.
An SIA administrator can now choose to allow or block traffic from the Roaming location, an SIA location that is reserved for users who are remote and make DNS requests from unexpected IP addresses. This option is available on the Locations page.