Jan 21, 2021 — ETP updates
Bulks Actions in Enterprise Center. The Enterprise Center user interface for SIA now allows you to complete some operations in bulk. These operations include:
- Deploying multiple identity providers
- Deleting multiple identity providers
- Deleting multiple identity connectors
- Enabling or disabling remote debugging for identity connectors
New SIA Status Page. To improve communications during service incidents, Akamai has created a public status page for SIA. Customers may subscribe to service impact notifications through email, text, or Slack. To subscribe, go to https://www.akamaistatus.com/.
Improved Enterprise Center Experience. The Enterprise Center experience now shows resource usage statistics for locations, policies, lists, and more.
Enhanced Monitor policy action. With the Monitor policy action, requests resolve to the origin and a user is able to access the website they requested. This action generates a threat or access control event in SIA. If SIA Proxy is set up as a full web proxy, traffic is forwarded to SIA Proxy where it’s scanned by multiple anti-malware engines. If a threat is detected, then the user is unable to access the URL or website they requested.
Minor changes and fixes. A number of minor changes and bug fixes are included in this release to improve the usability of the product.