Aug 7, 2018 — ETP updates

  • Delegated administrative access. ​SIA​ now includes a delegated administrator role. After this role is assigned to a user in Control Center, an ​SIA​ super administrator can grant a delegated administrator access to specific locations and policies, allowing the delegated administrator to manage assigned location and policies.

    A delegated administrator can:

    • Add new locations and policies

    • Deploy configuration changes that they applied or were applied to the locations and policies they manage

    • View settings associated with most configuration features in ​SIA​, such as custom lists and quick lists

    • Schedule a report. Report results show data based on locations a delegated administrator can access

    • View and analyze event and activity data based on assigned locations

    • Download Client Connector and view reporting data that’s associated with Client Connector installations

    • Grant or revoke ​Akamai​ Support Access

      An ​SIA​ super administrator can assign a delegated administrator access to locations or policies on the new Delegated Access tab of the Utilities page (Configuration > Utilities). This tab is available to ​SIA​ super administrators only.

  • Deploy window for Pending Changes. A new deploy window is available for configuration changes that are pending deployment. Prior to this release, there were different deployment options for custom lists, quick lists, policies, and locations. In this release, a Pending Changes tab is available on the right side of the configuration pages. ​SIA​ administrators click this tab to view all submitted configuration changes that are not yet deployed to the ​SIA​ network. Administrators can select specific changes they want to deploy or they can deploy all changes. Information about changes is also listed, such as what changed and who made the change.
    The Pending Changes window also offers:

    • A revert option to undo or delete a pending change. Any change that is reverted returns a configuration to its last deployed state.
    • When deploying a change, administrators can comment on the changes they are deploying. These comments appear in the new Deployment History tab on the Utilities page.
  • Entitlement code rotation. ​SIA​ now allows super administrators to rotate a Client Connector entitlement code in case the original entitlement code is compromised.

  • Alert notification changes. If alerts are detected within a five minute period of sending out an alert notification, users are now notified about these additional alerts after the five minutes. Prior to this release, users were not notified about the alerts that occurred during this period.

  • Various Reporting UI Improvements. The ​SIA​ reporting pages include:

    • Filter Editor now appears at the top of page when a user scrolls past it. This ensures that Filter settings are always accessible to users who are analyzing data on the Event Analysis and Activity pages.
    • Report viewers can filter data based on whether there is a correlation between security connector events and threat events.
    • A menu with convenient options is available from certain fields on the Event Details window. For example, if a user clicks a Resolved IP address, a menu appears with actions for this data such as adding the IP address to the Include filter.
    • New Detection Method dimension is available to show events that were detected at the time of access (inline) or were discovered later in log data based on behavior (lookback).