Apr 15, 2024 — Security Connector 3.8 now available

Security Connector 3.8 is now available for download or upgrade. This release includes these updates to the Security Connector console:

  • Improved health statuses for DNS Forwarder. The Health Status screen for DNS Forwarder now has improved health status checks that better show the state of connections to ​SIA​.
  • Additional information on DNS Forwarder. The Health Status screen now shows the communication protocols and methods used for the primary and secondary connections to ​SIA​. The screen also shows the resolver that’s configured for internal queries and the fallback resolver that’s used in case ​SIA​ is not reachable.
  • Local DNS Server menu item. The settings to configure a local DNS server are now located in the Manage DNS Forwarder and Manage HTTP Forwarder areas of the console.

This release also includes bug fixes and performance improvements to Security Connector.