Jan 1, 2016
Copy Query String Validation Issue
Previously, for the Forward Rewrite and Audience Segmentation Cloudlets, if the Copy Query String field was enabled, validation failures occurred and the rule could not be saved. This issue has been resolved.
Edge Redirector Cloudlet: Regular Expression Validation
The regular expression validation for the Edge Redirector Cloudlet now accepts the latest set of TopLevel Domains (TLDs) such as .tokyo. Previously, the validator rejected these TLDs as invalid.
IP/Geo Access Cloudlet Name Change
The IP/Geo Access Cloudlet has been renamed. It is now called the Request Control Cloudlet.
Access to the Version Details Page
When you create a new policy or version, or edit an existing policy or version, the Cloudlets Policy Manager automatically brings you to the Version Details page so you can enter rules.
Last Editor Column for Cloned Versions
On the Policy Details screen in Cloudlets Policy Manager, the correct user name now displays in the Last Editor column after cloning a new version. Previously, the editor of the version that was cloned displayed.
Availability of Cloudlets Origins
When selecting a Cloudlets Origin for a rule in Cloudlets Policy Manager, a Cloudlets Origin will be unavailable if the Allow Cloudlets Origins behavior is disabled in its associated Property Manager rule.
Start Dates and End Dates
In Cloudlets Policy Manager you can now define a rule with either a start date or an end date. Previously, both date fields were required when creating a time-bound rule.
Input Validation Cloudlet: POST Body Settings
For the Input Validation behavior in Property Manager, you can now select how POST bodies larger than 16 kilobytes are handled. These POST bodies can pass through to the origin without inspection, or can be marked as validation failures. The Input Validation Cloudlet can only inspect POST bodies that are smaller than 16 KB.
Single-Character Wildcard Support
You can now use the single-character wildcard for Cloudlets match types that already support the multi-character wildcard (*).
Input Validation Cloudlet: User Identification Methods
The Input Validation behavior in Property Manager now supports all of the following user identification methods: cookie, IP address, request header, and request parameter. You can also exclude the IP address of the client request from the user identification process.
If you enable multiple identification types, the values for all types much match for the user to be identified across requests.
Custom Request Header Matches
When using a Request Header match, you can now add custom headers. To add a custom header, type the header name in the search box on the Name field, then press either the Enter key or the Tab key.
Geographic Match Update
The geographically-based match types in Cloudlets Policy Manager are now grouped under the User Location Data match. When creating rules, select User Location Data to access all geographic matches (continent, country, and region/state).