Understand notifications

China CDN Manager sends email notifications of certain events that occur within it to users. This allows you to know when you need to take an action, even if you do not open China CDN Manager to check on the progress of a property hostname you want to provision. For example, if you request provisioning, you need to wait for the partner to approve the request. When the partner approves the request, you receive a notification email.

China CDN Manager sends notifications to users who initiate any change for these instances:

  • You request approval for a property hostname from a partner.

  • The partner denies your request for approval of a property hostname.

  • The partner approves your request for a property hostname.

  • You requested a change to a property hostname such as moving it to disabled, inactive, or enabled.

  • Your property hostname changes, such as moves to disabled, inactive, or enabled.

  • Your property hostname successfully provisions.