Jun 3, 2019 — New Automatic Font Preload optimization and bug fixes

The latest Adaptive Acceleration release includes the following enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Added Automatic Font Preload to the optimizations provided by Adaptive Acceleration. Font Preload allows the CDN edge server to determine the most important fonts using beacon data. These fonts are then identified with a response header so they can be downloaded before the browser has processed the base request. Display of font preloads will be available on control.akamai.com on June 18. Customers will be able to toggle the feature on and off starting on June 25.
  • Policies using the mPulse data source will now respect the push/preload toggles in the Adaptive Acceleration behavior.
  • A bug that prevented customers from getting policies when sending synthetic traffic to their properties (with tools like WebPageTest) has been fixed. Sites that only receive synthetic traffic should now receive more pushes, preconnects, and font preloads.